3 hours • $450 First visit
Free touch up 1-3 months after first visit
Specializing in soft natural looking brows
A manual "hand" method is used to create extremely fine natural looking hair strokes. We strive in giving the most natural looking results possible! With over 110 certified hours of hands on training in Salt Lake City, Utah with the top instructor in the nation! ASCP award winner “North America’s Top Microblading Training Program” 2 years in a row! We can turn any brow into dream brows!
Results lasting 1-2 years
Yearly color boost touch up recommended
Please arrive with your brows filled in the day of service!
Suggestions for Before Microblading/Lash Doll Procedure
Botox should be given 3 weeks prior or 3 weeks after this procedure
No chemical peels 60 days before or 60 days after (brows will peel quicker due to chemicals traveling
under the skin).
No Retinols/Retin-A’s, or other anti-aging creams or serums containing acids as these will fade
Do Not work out the day of the procedure.
Do not tan or have a sunburned face.
Do Not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Ibuprofen 24 hours before procedure.
No waxing or tinting 3 days before.
What to Expect after the procedure
Immediately after treatment, the color will appear darker then it will eventually be. This is because the
pigment takes around seven days to enter the deeper layers of the skin. After 7-10 days, exfoliation takes
place. The top layer of the skin peels off, leaving a softer, lighter color below. The result is a natural
looking enhancement. As the treated area is settling down, itching may occur. This is a good sign as it
means the skin is healing.
Permanent makeup is NOT recommended for any clients who are or have:
Pregnant or Breast feeding
Undergoing Chemotherapy (consult your doctor)
Viral infections and/or diseases
A Pacemaker or major heart problems
Had an Organ transplant
Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)
Sick (cold, flu, etc.)
Had Botox in the past 2 months
Used Accutane in the past year
Eyebrow After-Care
Just a side note: We aim for perfection but everyone’s skin is different and will react differently to the
procedure. Some skin will heal faster than others, some skin will retain the pigment longer, all skin is
aging, some of us will be harder on our skin than others; swimming, tanning and weather all have a
negative effect on our skin. Our goal is to make them match as closely as possible but nature does play a
role in the contour of our brows.
Do Not get the brows wet during the healing process for 14 days.
Do Not put anything (water, make-up, lotions etc.) on the brows for 14 days.
Do Not sweat for 14 days - this is a hard one, but body heat expands the pores. Sweat has salt and will
prematurely fade, blur or cause the pigment not to take at all.
Do Not scrub, rub or pick at the epithelial crust that forms. Allow it to flake off by itself. If it is removed
before it is ready the pigment underneath it can be pulled out.
Stay out of the sun for a two weeks. Then be sure to use sunblock on the healed brow to prevent fading.
Do Not use any Retin-A or Glycolic Acids in the brow area during or after healing.
Do Not use a tanning bed for a month ... preferably, never!
Eyebrows will appear darker and bolder due to natural scabbing and healing for the first 10 days
We want you to be thrilled with the results for the months ahead, so follow the instructions!
We recommend yearly touch-ups